Kata - FizzBuzz

Published:August 31, 2020

This kata has us solving the simple math game FizzBuzz. It is a simple game and a simple program, but there are still many skills we can focus on during our katas. This kata was taken from The Coding Dojo Handbook.

FizzBuzz 1

Published: August 9, 2019

This is my first attempt at the FizzBuzz Kata. This will be the baseline for future iterations.

FizzBuzz 2

Published: August 10, 2019

This is the second pass at the FizzBuzz Kata. In this one, we focus more on extensibility.

FizzBuzz 3

Published: August 13, 2019

This is my third pass at the FizzBuzz Kata. In this episode, I focus on splitting up code into modules and focus on functions doing only one thing.